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सुरस सुबोधा विश्‍वमनोज्ञा | संस्कृत गीत | Surasa Subodhaa Vishwa Manogna | Samskrit Song


Sanskrit language and Indian culture are closely intervown, They are helping to bind the people of this vast country together.
In fact Sanskrit is the mother of all Indian languages, All the Indian languages have their roots in Sanskrit. Right Since olden days different languages have been spoken in different parts of India but Sanskrit acted as a link language. This was also the medium of institution in Gurukulas. The knowledge acquired by our Gurus, Munis and Maharishis was preserved in Sanskrit language for the benefit of future generations.

Surasa Subodhaa Vishwa Manogna..Sanskrit Geet (सुरस सुबोधा विश्‍वमनोज्ञा)... Surasa Subodha Vishwa Manojnyaa Lalithaa Hrudyaa Ramaneeyaa....
- A song in praise of Samskritham language,

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Samskritha Bharathi;

Learn Sanskrit through Correspondence,
 Conducts “10 day free spoken sanskirt shibirs”, . which run for 2 hours a day as per convenience of majority of participants and shikshak.

 Conducts Sanskrit Saptahiks, which are follow ups of 10 days shibirs,

 Conducts shikshaka Prashikshana Vargas where volunteers are trained to teach Sanskrit.

 Counduts Bhagvat Geeta Shikhana through Sanskrit.

 Samskritha Bharati has also started correspondecnce course of Sanskrit


The Course is arranged in 4 levels.
1. Pravesha
2. Parichaya
3. Shiksha &
4. Kovida

For each level books are prepared which can be studied by a learner on his own easily. The material in each level consist – sentences used in day to day conversation, small stories, Subhashita slokas, introudution to Sanskrit literature etc. to facilitate easy understanding of learner, explanation is given in English/ Regional language like Telugu, Kannad, Hindi. Etc.
Rules for participation in course:

• One should have completed 13 years of age and should be able to read English/ Hindi/ Telugu/ or Kannada.

• No need of having previous knowledge of Sankrit.

• Each level can be completed in 6 months duration.

• A nominal fee of Rs.300/- is charged towards providing self lerning material, conduct of examination, postal charges, and certification.

• Exam centers are normally in the district head quarter’s.

• Examinations are conducted on last Sundays of February and August Months.

• As per feasibility , contact programme can be arranged in the place of examination centres on Sundays for two months before the examination.

Please Like, Subscribe, Support, & Share Thank you

Samskrita Bharati: संस्कृतभारती

for more details

Samskrutha Bhraathi
Brahmavidya Kuteer, Puppalaguda Rd,
Secretariat Colony,
SriRam Nagar Colony,
Puppalguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500075

Please watch: "Sadaiva Purato Nidhehi Charanam... Sanskrit Rhyme (सदैव पुरतो निधेहि चरणम्)"

1) Please Watch Video Sarla basha samskritam with lyrics,

2) Please Watch Video Mama Mata Devata Sanskrit Rhyme,

3) Please Watch Video Bla shunaka Sanskrit Rhyme,

4) Please Watch Video Mangaluru Mukunda Sanskrit Rhyme

Key words

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Author: Jayatu Samskrutam


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